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warranty conditions offered to customers

Warranty conditions

General information about warranty condition

A guarantee period is specified in a Certificate of Guarantee. To be able to accept a guarantee repair the certificate must be duly filled and signed.

Standard warranty

  1. There is a twelve-month guarantee for a machine after its installation or till specified number of copies or printed pages is made.
  2. The warranty covers free of charge repair caused by machine defect when it is still under warranty.
  3. Warranty guarantees extending this period for the time a customer could not use the machine because of its break down. This period must be longer than one day.
  4. Regular maintenance, the exchange of worn-out parts (so called consumable parts), consumables and failure caused by improper usage or natural calamity is not covered by warranty.
  5. Necessary preventive maintenance and consumables are paid by a customer according to a valid tariff even in a guarantee period.
  6. A warranty can be terminated in the following cases:
    • A machine usage is in discrepancy with operating instructions.
    • In case of using consumables and spare parts.
    • A machine repair or modification has been made by non-authorized service, which caused machine damage.
    • In case of moving a machine without consulting it with a guarantee.

Extended warranty

Warranty can be prolonged up to 48 months. For detailed information please contact our sales department.

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